stay tuned
Sunday, April 2, 2017
a little update
stay tuned
Thursday, February 18, 2016
a gif step by step , hope you guys find it useful for your learning , don't hesitate in case you have any additional enquiry
Monday, February 8, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
hello , finally got some free time to do personal stuff again , hope you like this cube serie , i might do more !!!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
little update regarding MOUNIK
long time no update , well i've been so busy working on our IOS Android game , we're doing our best to be able to release the game first on android this year just before chrismas
Thursday, July 16, 2015
MOUNIK update
overcoming all those technical and artistical challenges is what getting us tremendously busy and keeping us off the grid all this time .
so here is a painted rocket concept which in-game 3D version is already made
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Ramadan sketchbook
some of the concepts i've done for the Ramadan sketchbook facebook group , each day a new topic , i'll share more as soon as i achieve more
Friday, May 29, 2015
a dream i had twice lately
hello , long time no post , needed to take a break since we're about to finish work on MOUNIK project , so i've decided to cut myself some slack and do some personal stuff this time , this painting is basically a dream that i had twice lately , kind of liked it , i wish it happens again , i wanna go further and excavate that place more, it was in an insanely wide shallow river, you can cross it on feet, surrounded by tall mountains only god knows their height .
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
eternal sunset
long time no post , sorry for the lay low mode i've decided to take recently , i'm working on other things , anyway here is a thing i did, i painted this using one single brush which is the glorious photoshop round standard brush , i just love it so much ,that was one of a hell of a challenge to me , i think i'll count more on it next time , you can't imagine how much freedom it allowed that lousy little shit ,
Monday, March 23, 2015
live digital painting demo result
i'm finaly at home , so i got the change to play little bit with the live digital painting demo i did last week in Hiba lab rabat and ecole hassania casablanca and it turned out to something like this ,
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
native american on a daily run
i'm not dead yet , i'm still alive , just getting the rust off myslef since i haven't done anything personal in a while , as i said before i need to keep this thing alive , i need to put more efforts in order to keep that promise , so the reason why i've been absent all this time is because i'm working on very important project , i've got a big responsibilities now and i'm going to make sure this will make it the top , no way this will go down on my shift hehehe
i managed to save some step-by-step for this piece
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
magic wings

i've been really busy lately , a lof of stuff going on for me , anyway i have to keep this blog a live no matter what , well this is a game i've worked on with a friend of mine living in belguim , it was actually just a test we did together , it was for fun , you can test the game it's available for free on google play , also freelance work and personal projects are eating my time , i'll try to update the blog with some new art as soon as i can ,
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
LUNAR station "full version"
well that was not a walk in the park as was expected , this was probably one of the most complex scene that i have ever painted in my life , complex light settings with complex geometries and many other stuff that should be taken into consideration , my eye was my only guide in this , as it was always , no wonder why concept artists are using 3D for these kind of stuff ,
also thought of sharing this early stage of the painting process ,this may become useful for somebody , who knows !!!
you're probably waiting for the full piece of LUNAR station if you have followed my last thread , well so am i , kind of not easy to do stuff like this in line art so it took me a little bit of extra time , but not a big deal , i enjoyed doing it , i still need to lay some colors down , i'll post the final tomorrow or after tomorrow if everything went well
Friday, January 23, 2015
stuff for games
as a fix for the last issues that i have encountered , as style contradiction and different design languages , i had to redesign the whole props , the result is a total different thing , it has nothing to do with the previous one , but it's gooood
as you can see , there is absolutely no relationship between the environment and that test tube or stretcher "honestly , i don't know what is it exactly anymore " , the stretcher has a kind of Russian heavy mech feel ,which clearly doesn't persist on the environment , there is absolutely no chance that i can fit in that stretcher into that environment successfully , have to redo it i guess
as a solution for this mess i caused , i believe starting with the environment first is a good move instead of the props , this will helps solving issues like the one that i have encountered ,
my second take on the teleportation facility stretcher , i think this one is definitely better looking than the first one
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Dragon !!!
i'm working really hard to improve my brush strokes skills , i feel like i should get this issue fixed as soon as possible
the step-by-step
the grid is done using Carapace
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